The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. - 2 Timothy 4:18


    Other Blogs

    • Fellowship time

      Peculiar Child

      Do you have a life of prayer? A peculiar child grew up and matured to be a prayer warrior. August 12, 2021
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      My mother, who is now in the presence of G-d, blessed be HE for His faithfulness to her, used to call me "peculiar" at a young age. I would have to say G-d was showing her something then that would guide me my whole life.

      I consider myself fortunate to be here today to tell my story in short form for it is rather lengthy. I hope you read with...

    • Helen Dyck

      Close Calls

      God's awesome protection over Helen Dyck and her late husband Peter (of blessed memory) August 12, 2021
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      Several years ago, Peter’s van needed repairs. The garage we took our vehicles to was in Headingly.  I had to go to work the next morning, and because I also had to provide the tow, we decided to get up early and take Peter’s van to the garage before my workday began. I wasn’t all that familiar with Headingly, so I asked...

    • Jan1Sun

      Sukkot Devotion

      January 1, 2017 Dr. Michael Wodlinger
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      Dr. Michael Wodlinger
    • Jan1Sun

      Power of Speech

      January 1, 2017 Dr. Michael Wodlinger
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      Dr. Michael Wodlinger
      When G‑d saw humanity’s moral state, He did not at first express His decision to wipe out the world with a flood. Only after He formulated a way for humanity to survive (i.e., through Noah) did He pronounce His decision. This was because once an idea descends from thought into speech, its reality becomes more concrete and therefore it becomes harder to revoke.
    • Jan1Sun


      January 1, 2017 Dr. Michael Wodlinger
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      Dr. Michael Wodlinger

      Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you. (John 1: 48)

      In isiZulu, a dialect of Bantu, an African language, there is an expression – “I see you.”  These three words are rich in meaning and have a depth far greater than the physical aspect of sight.  When one Zulu says to another, “I see you,” he is saying, “I see the person you are.  I see your humanity; I see your morality; I see you commitment to justice.”

    • Jan1Sun

      Shavuot - Pentecost

      January 1, 2017 Dr. Michael Wodlinger
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      Dr. Michael Wodlinger
      This year, 2015, we celebrate two important commemorations on one date – Saturday, 23 May.  What is so significant about this day?  On this day, Rabbinic Jews and Messianic Believers celebrate the Holy Day of Shavuot, while Christians celebrate the Holy Day of Pentecost.  What is the difference in these two days?  Not as much as you may imagine.
    • Jan1Sun

      Our Role as Leaders

      January 1, 2017 Dr. Michael Wodlinger
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      Dr. Michael Wodlinger
      One of our task as believers in Adonai Yeshua, the Lord Jesus, as we embark in a new calendar year is to focus on our roles as leaders. Why do I say we?  Quite simply, we all have leadership responsibility within the Body of Messiah.  Each one of us has been given a certain responsibility to exercise leadership in areas he or she has been gifted.  The real question then is how are we fulfilling His call for us to exercise those leadership gifts?
    • Jan1Sun

      Why Torah’s Instructions, Today?

      January 1, 2017 Dr. Michael Wodlinger
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      Dr. Michael Wodlinger
      I have often heard it said we live in a society which is free from the restrictions of religion.  Interestingly, those who take this viewpoint say, we are sufficiently mature and advanced to recognize state and religion are separate entities and therefore there is no need for us to adhere or even reflect upon the laws that come to us from the Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament.  Really? 
    • Jan1Sun

      The Condition of Our Hearts

      January 1, 2017 Dr. Michael Wodlinger
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      Dr. Michael Wodlinger
      The more times I read Torah, specifically Deuteronomy, the more I fear for my people, unsaved Israel.  For forty years they have wandered the desert; they have received food each day – food they did not grow themselves – and they received water from sources they did not have to dig.  The clothes they wore, from the time they left Egypt, did not wear out – these were passed down from the one generation to the next.  Even the sandals they wore on their feet did not wear out, after forty years! 
    • Jan1Sun

      Are We to Believe Blindly?

      January 1, 2017 Dr. Michael Wodlinger
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      Dr. Michael Wodlinger
      One question which has been plaguing me, ever since I came to faith in Adonai Yeshua, the Lord Jesus - does trusting God stem from blind faith?  This is not a frivolous question but emerges from a perception I have encountered many times, in the believing community: just believe and everything will be O.K.  All God wants from us is our belief, our faith.  This is blind faith, defined as belief without true understanding, perception, or discrimination.